The twelve step program WORKS if one ADMITS there is a problem. During RECOVERY from our WORN out HABITS of thinking and doing, one huge stumbling block for most is to make a list of names of who we have offended and make amends. Make a second list of names of those who have hurt us, and then forgive them. If we have forgiven as we have been forgiven, the tale of what happened is forgotten and never repeated. Taking a MORAL INVENTORY as a Christian and sharing the TRUTH with another human being requires that we swallow our pride, and ADMIT our FEARS, PHOBIAS, FOIBLES, ABUSES, GUILT, SHAME, and for many a Christian, SELF-HATRED. Having an ACCOUNTABILITY partner in a 12 step program, is humbling. First we must admit that we struggle. Then we must get real honest with exactly where we trip and fall short. For a Christian to walk in righteousness, we must continue to take a MORAL INVENTORY,

as a way of cleaning the temple where the Holy Spirit resides. The Galatians started out in grace, and then went off into WORKS to prove their value to God. We cannot hide from our Creator, He knows us, He knows we are quick to DENY we need forgiveness, or any HELP at all. Our Christian self-image is of a person REDEEMED and PERFECT. The Holy Spirit responds to TRUTH, not denial. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. FIRST we must admit our drive, our desire, our compulsion to accomplish or to be recognized for our excellent deeds. FIRST we must come to see that an inferior spirit of FEAR drives us to seek respect and admiration from man. TRUTH: The Holy Spirit is superior, and the Holy Spirit never seeks respect or admiration from man. The Holy Spirit in us teaches us, directs us, comforts us by the Word of God. He affirms our position of authority over all lies of a demonic spirit. Be reminded that demonic spirits come in to torment, tempt and destroy our effectiveness for Christ. SECONDLY

God commands that we ASK for HELP, that we seek, that we admit to another person that we are struggling. The very act of asking humbles us, it makes us vulnerable, it makes us accountable, and it is a mark of obedience to the word of God. "Pray for one another". When was the last time you asked someone to pray for you? Or do you pretend that you are above such a need? The thought " I cannot show a weakness, I cannot be so transparent, I am a deacon of the church". This is a demonic spirit of fear masquerading as false confidence in Christ. Allow the touch of His Spirit to reveal all fear and the heavy burden of keeping your struggles a secret. As His beloved, He wants us to ADMIT, to CONFESS every detail with wisdom. To LISTEN to His still voice and OBEY requires that we share our burdens with ONE worthy spiritual advisor. We are wisely instructed to not seek honor for ourselves.

SEEK one trusted advisor, one saint, one priest, one who will pray you through. If we say or think that we are beyond sinning, we have deceived ourselves. INSECURITY drives us to exaggerate our holiness, our importance, while we STRIVE to APPEAR secure, and manage our self-image of self-confidence. QUICK TO ADMIT that without Christ, Paul was nothing ~ What about me? Do I ADMIT that I need grace, mercy and HELP every day? Do I maintain a pure SPARKLE of the Holy Ghost by my honesty or my integrity? Knowing bible stories, quoting scripture and recounting how many times we have been to church DOES NOT take the place of a GOOD MORAL INVENTORY. The simple TRUTH about FEAR: Fear is interest PAID on a DEBT you do not OWE! Do you have any fears to ADMIT? THE FEAR OF: man, failure, intimacy, success, illness, death, love, rejection. DO YOU HAVE A WOUNDED SPIRIT? Wounds inflicted by a parent, a child, a friend, sibling? Do you feel like a victim? Do you shutdown or withdraw emotionally? Can you name one person who knows your weakness, and insecurities besides God? Have you been relying on yourself, praying by yourself, hiding your need to share your burden?

DO YOU FEEL GUILT? Do you feel ashamed? Do you fear ridicule or condemnation? Do you feel worthless, or that you are being judged unfairly by others? Do you FEAR being found lacking the strength to do life alone? FEAR is false evidence appearing real. Can you ADMIT that fear separates you from God's best? SELF-HATRED will leave you feeling hopeless, or that you will never be good enough. Do you feel unattractive, undesirable, unworthy, unwanted? Do you feel inadequate, insecure? Do you reject compliments? Do you isolate? Do you say 'Iam sorry'? Do you choose to speak sorrow and sabotage success? A sorry soul does not walk in faith, but it seeks comfort from its own kind. A repentant soul seeks after God, and it believes God's command that says "sorrow not" ~ it chooses to turn from the comfort of the familiar way, and it seeks to trust God and walk in authority believing that Jesus bore all our sorrows. A mature man is able to control his tongue, and therefore his circumstance. God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. Therefore we choose to submit to God. We choose to resist self sorrow and the devils ways. We draw near to God and He draws near to us. "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you. ~ Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed." James 4:10-James 5:16
MAKE A LIST. Check your spirit for any unforgiveness. GET FREE and RENOUNCE each false evidence appearing real. Name each spirit that keeps you from being fully effective for Christ: The spirit of shame, guilt, fear, pride, self-hatred, heaviness ~ wherever you gained entrance into my life I no longer give you right or access; I come out of agreement with the lies about who I am. As a child of God, today I command you to GO NOW in the name of Jesus!" I am free in Christ and I walk in His authority and speak His word with confidence for His glory. Halleluiah and AMEN!

"To the spirit of (name it).....I break your hold generationally over (name) the life of my beloved! I declare with full authority, by the blood of Jesus that you will no longer pass to (name) ....or through(name) their generations!"

"Lord Jesus we ask that You fill the newly vacated area with Your love, peace, joy and courage. We ask that You surround them with Your angels. We ask that Your Words replace all lies and that they are anchored secure as a redeemed and transformed child of Almighty God." AMEN
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