Saturday, August 16, 2014


Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, known as "the father of the Christian men's movement," was called by God to speak with a prophetic voice to the men of this generation. To that end, he founded the Christian Men's Network, a ministry that continues to strengthen men by reaching thousands each month with the reality that manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous. As a pastor, evangelist, missionary, business executive, and denominational leader, Dr. Cole, together with his late wife, Nancy, served the Lord in ministry for more than fifty years until his death in 2002. Over four million copies of his books are in circulation today in more than forty languages, and his work and vision are still carried on by his "sons" in the faith––godly men who were touched by Dr. Cole's ministry. Maximize your manhood and MAN UP to the challenge of leading by the example of Christ. Study this 20 year old Christian classic book with a local group of men and change your community.
The Christian life was NOT meant to live alone. Men are called to gather together and share their strength, hope and honor as they disciple one another through the living Word of God. Written specifically for men of every age of this generation, God commissioned Edwin with a ministry majoring in men. He travelled extensively around the world holding seminars and rallies for men––teaching the patterns and principles of the kingdom of God. Maximized Manhood––is a Christian best–seller that has been translated into over 40 languages and is currently distributed in dozens of nations. As of 2013 there are over four million in print, and in use to rally men to recruit others and build a mighty army of men who are focused on the Sword of Truth. Edwin’s beloved wife Nancy has been blessed immeasurably by her husband’s dedication to serve others. "This is a book to men but for women also because when a man changes, the entire family is blessed. Every woman should read this book." Mrs. Nancy Cole ~ In his series of books, Dr. Cole rightly discerns that nowhere in the Scripture are men invited to repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior; rather, the Bible commands men to repent. The idea of giving an invitation for men to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior is foreign to the New Testament. Cole attacks the common hope in many churches "Let us not offend anyone". Where is the bold Truth in a practice of pleasing the world? We were commanded to use salt and light and this author does. He points out clearly that if you only have a problem you can get sympathy for it or understating for it, or professional help for it. Sins, on the other hand, have to be repented, confessed and forsaken.
The book is 20 years old and it gives timeless illustrations, however, even the revised version reflects an older culture, but old time sin is yet real time sin in the church today. Cole is a master of setting forth biblical truth in succinct phrases. QUOTE: “You can pitch personality, but you must build character; The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother; Some things in life are more important than life itself; The Kingdom of God is built on truth, not human sentiment.” Is this book greatly written? Probably not. Will this book stir you to get real with Jesus, will it get you a contrite heart, will it get you to be transparent with Jesus and another man? Yes!
IF you read it and apply its principles with the accountability of another man, you will be challenged to change and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You may be able to put down the book but you will agree that Jesus is Lord and that Dr. Cole was a great man. Read it and learn what it means to be a man after God's own heart. KUDOS found on the internet: “This book is amazing at laying men out in the open for all to see! Who we are and more importantly who we are not. Thanks Cole for showing us the true definition of manhood-Jesus Christ! He's our model, our role-model, our guide, our friend, our father that gives us a godly intimate hug right when we needed it! Men can read & not be worried about losing our "manliness" because the character of "Christ" defines manhood, that's maximization!” Pastor Bill "Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of choice. This is a book about that choice." Ben Kinchlow
"Essential reading for every man." Herbert Ellingwood, Chairman, U.S. Merit Systems Board ~ "Any man can profit from reading this book. Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil... it has no point! Pastor John Hagge ~ If a man without a dream shall perish without a point or purpose, this book will ignite a worthy dream of becoming a man of supernatural influence for Christ and His kingdom. AMEN


  1. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    the courage to change the things I can
    and the wisdom to know the difference.
    Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time;
    accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
    taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is…Amen

  2. GOING to CELEBRATE RECOVERY at Bearcreek tonight! So excited to BE inspired by the transforming power of God so visible in those who humbly surrender to Him. AMEN - First stop is to drop off a huge bag of oranges from brother Steve's tree to Jason!
