"Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Go ahead, weep, cry, mourn and KNOW that God is speaking to you! Trust in His living word, Jesus is alive, He deposited the Holy Spirit, the Comforter within you! His promises are true, you matter to Him, and He asks you to mourn, and be happy trusting that YOU are constantly comforted by the indwelt Comforter. Surrender all worry to Him and FEEL His presence. "For it is God who works
IN YOU to will and to act according to His good purpose." As an untrusting people, God knows it is hard for us to trust in what we cannot see. FAITH is believing in the unseen, and yet we easily trust that when we flip the switch, without seeing the mechanism, the LIGHT will come on! Over time our faith in the unseen reality of God builds and we eventually come to trust in God, in what He says, in what He promises, and in the amazing CHOICE we have to choose Him freely. Our Father created us, He knows our hearts. He knows that we deceive ourselves, and that we attempt to deny Him access to our thought life. We are silly to think that He does not know each thought we think, or that He does not know each word we shall speak before it departs from our tongue.
"And I am sure that God who began the GOOD work within you will keep right on helping you GROW in His grace until HIS TASK within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns." MMMMmmmmm GOOD is that M&M!

Memorize and Meditate on that promise from God to YOU! "Now your attitudes and thoughts MUST all be constantly changing for the better. Yes, you MUST be a new and different person." What do you believe about God? Based on my experience, the sunrises each morning, and as my Father supplies even the sparrow with enough food, I arise knowing that all my needs are met. Therefore, I believe that God is faithful, that God is playful, that He has a sense of humor and great timing! Each one of us brims with imagination, the largest nation in the world! Imagine that on this day, the Lord is with you, that He will not depart from your mind or heart, that He is alive within you! He is with us as we fold laundry, as we drive to work, or as we speak words of encouragement to others. Let us turn away from negative expectations and turn our thoughts to God and expect GOOD THINGS, extravagant favor, and bountiful blessings. With such
JOYFUL EXPECTATION, our Lord is faithful to deliver His very best each day! Today is fresh and filled with POSITIVE HOPE in Christ! Forgive yourself and all others as our Father has forgotten our yesterdays! TRUE FORGIVENESS is giving up the hope of ever having a better or different past. Without REGRET, let us stay out of fantasy, and LIVE IN THE PRESENT HOPE of Christ within us, His hope for glory!