Thursday, February 14, 2013


Our son Jason will stay in our Galt villa while we travel.March 17th for St Patty's Day we travel to Carefree, Arizona to attend Dodger Spring Training with John and Mary!June 14th for Fathers Day 2013 Mike and Barb will rock the waters of the Delta with Jason, David and Sue. Delightful cottages with a grand BBQ in honor of Michael!For our first Veterans Day 2013 on November 8th we will travel to Loreto to explore the Sea of Cortez with Captain Benito and Jill! For our First Anniversary November 17, 2013 we will be home in Gorgeous Galt to read our letters written from the Grinding Rock where we addressed our wedding invitations!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


"Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Go ahead, weep, cry, mourn and KNOW that God is speaking to you! Trust in His living word, Jesus is alive, He deposited the Holy Spirit, the Comforter within you! His promises are true, you matter to Him, and He asks you to mourn, and be happy trusting that YOU are constantly comforted by the indwelt Comforter. Surrender all worry to Him and FEEL His presence. "For it is God who works IN YOU to will and to act according to His good purpose." As an untrusting people, God knows it is hard for us to trust in what we cannot see. FAITH is believing in the unseen, and yet we easily trust that when we flip the switch, without seeing the mechanism, the LIGHT will come on! Over time our faith in the unseen reality of God builds and we eventually come to trust in God, in what He says, in what He promises, and in the amazing CHOICE we have to choose Him freely. Our Father created us, He knows our hearts. He knows that we deceive ourselves, and that we attempt to deny Him access to our thought life. We are silly to think that He does not know each thought we think, or that He does not know each word we shall speak before it departs from our tongue. "And I am sure that God who began the GOOD work within you will keep right on helping you GROW in His grace until HIS TASK within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns." MMMMmmmmm GOOD is that M&M!
Memorize and Meditate on that promise from God to YOU! "Now your attitudes and thoughts MUST all be constantly changing for the better. Yes, you MUST be a new and different person." What do you believe about God? Based on my experience, the sunrises each morning, and as my Father supplies even the sparrow with enough food, I arise knowing that all my needs are met. Therefore, I believe that God is faithful, that God is playful, that He has a sense of humor and great timing! Each one of us brims with imagination, the largest nation in the world! Imagine that on this day, the Lord is with you, that He will not depart from your mind or heart, that He is alive within you! He is with us as we fold laundry, as we drive to work, or as we speak words of encouragement to others. Let us turn away from negative expectations and turn our thoughts to God and expect GOOD THINGS, extravagant favor, and bountiful blessings. With such JOYFUL EXPECTATION, our Lord is faithful to deliver His very best each day! Today is fresh and filled with POSITIVE HOPE in Christ! Forgive yourself and all others as our Father has forgotten our yesterdays! TRUE FORGIVENESS is giving up the hope of ever having a better or different past. Without REGRET, let us stay out of fantasy, and LIVE IN THE PRESENT HOPE of Christ within us, His hope for glory!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The drama of life is much like a horse race. The starting gate, the track, and arriving at our finish lines well, or at least finally! Just for FUN, imagine with me the wild, crazy, zany, unpredictable chaos of saddling a Frog instead of a Horse round the track! Napolean Hill said “A goal is a dream with a deadline” ~ My point at the beginning of 2013 – is to be a queen of fresh, to be keen on increased energy and FUN and NOT condemn or kill myself for NOT reaching set year end goals without a spot check on APRIL FOOLS DAY. Instead I shall giggle, ribbett, and purrrrrr as I leap along the track
with realistic effort hitched to my positive thinking. Now earnestly vowing to increase my tolerance towards moving sideways, not always onward and forward, I gift myself with the zany leap of a Frog, and the welcome style of short spurts of spaz, and sudden sideway detours! This will help me finish with my best intentions and feel JOY! ~ Yippeee, it shall be FUN to watch me and laugh! Thinking realistically, true thoughts, whether joyous or the occasional wrinkled brow confusion, my spirit shall not be crushed as my confidence will remain in He who dwells within! Knowing He takes great pleasure in how He wired me to run, waddle or stammer,
I give Him a chuckle as I grin and win the race before me. Honestly, I have thought of Tinkerbell, Heidi and Jesus a lot in my life. The truth is that I have NOT become a cute pixie with wings, or a dahling child with the ability to sing, or as much like Jesus as I have demanded of myself. PROOF positive that one does NOT become what one thinks about! Positive thinking mixed with real action, persistence, and flexibility is how horses, frogs and people meet goals! We get to start each day, new, from the gate, covered in grace ~ Halleluiah! Our Father enjoys watching us jump, leap, fall flat, get up and leap wildly,
pause, gasp and praise Him with the breath He gave us to start all over again tomorrow! GO AHEAD and ribbet, jump, go off course and have FUN in 2013. We will all finish well in the eyes of the One who loves us! AMEN

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Who wrote that?

Give God credit for He gave me a mind to write likened to Whitman, a depth fills me and spills out easily. A dreamer, a positive thinker, and probably an unpublished author thrills inside. As an un-inspired student of history, Barb dropped out of higher education with a fascination of people and opted to write. At least 300 short stories featuring various high definition characters that inspired, encouraged and dazzled her by their sublime humanity. First she chose to honor each family member with authentic appreciation, then she widened her angle of observation to include co-workers, and peeps she met during her travels. Words lodged onto paper by Louise Hay and Marianne Williamson were winsomely wedged into her soul. Poetry, once a focused concentration, took a backseat to her nuclear reaction to the profound ponderings of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.
She studied them as if they were her personal friends. Both exemplary teachers, by example of impact, neither were experts on any subject that one could take in school, they simply lived life aloud, as an advertisement of infectious passion. Both were purposely involved with ordinary people, which indicated their love for the very fabric of life. Enthusiasm is her best practice, she attempts to bridge the gap between the facts she finds and the reader of her penned thoughts. Her life curriculum has been evolving since 1969, and she is the happy steward of many uncategorized, but deeply felt experiences. She believes that her life accomplishments have been a collaborative, collective, community effort. She writes with an intention to boast about who she met, what they have done, and what impact these ordinary legends have had. She is quick to covet each conversation that leads to the distinct discovery that without God, no experience could be documented or assigned value.
Barb’s dynamic, dedicated, administration of her revelations can be enjoyed on several different blogs. What does Barbara do in her free time? Jam with friends to music, play cards, blog, backgammon, yahtzee, or be silly. Walk along the Delta shores, watch old films, and wander down a country road listening to a self-created playlist of favorites. Autumn, Winter, or Summer, equally substantial to the cause and reason to display JOY. What is Barb reading now? A number of books, one verse at a time, each savored with a written NOTE of gratitude. The truth apparently has power over her reading habits: The Bible, or an author like Beth Moore, or anyone who writes about a transformed life.
It is hard to keep a little girl, or a grown woman bound to the acreage of this planet when she hears her Father’s voice. Are ye listening to what the Spirit is saying? Think it through and tickle my fancy and do tell something about Barbara that nobody knows? I’ll tell you several things, because you’ve won my trust. No longer does Barb have the guts to squash spiders, downhill ski or rollerblade.
She practices random acts of re-organizing, like impulsively moving a lamp from one table to the next. Dearest reader, thank you for giving me your utmost, highest attention to such blathering, and with a great sense of saving our planet, feel free to recycle this bit of whimsy, copy and paste where you might, or for memorializing it as origami. I know what you are guessing, but alas it twas NOT CS Lewis who wrote this, it was BS HOYLE who scribbled her ramblings!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

FIRST Christmas 2012

“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” 1 Corin 9:24 KJV ~ “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1 KJV ~ Michael Hoyle runs the good race and he feels God’s favor. Mike has received the certain prize of His Father’s great pleasure, and his confidence in the Lord gives him wings.
For as the Lord Jesus promised, He delivered the one prize worth obtaining ~ the Holy Spirit. Who can stand against a man filled with the mighty spirit of God? Without comparison, the self assured Michael Hoyle thinks and acts with ever increasing confidence. “And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in Mine heart and in My mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before Mine anointed for ever.” 1 Samuel 2:35 ~ “But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.” JOB 23:13 ~ “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.” Isaiah 26:3 Father we pray and ask that Your will be done in us, and through us, and we agree that Your ways, and Your timing is perfect, therefore we praise You and celebrate Your appointed Shepherd, Who stands before our Father, interceding on our behalf. WOW, our Lord Jesus takes our NEEDS to our Father! Our part is to have FAITH in the Word of God!
“And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” RM 8:27 ~ “For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corin 2:16 ~ “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11 ~ “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind” Eph 4:23 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Phil 4:8 “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” Proverbs 23:7