Give God credit for He gave me a mind to write likened to Whitman, a depth fills me and spills out easily. A dreamer, a positive thinker, and probably an unpublished author thrills inside. As an un-inspired student of history, Barb dropped out of higher education with a fascination of people and opted to write. At least 300 short stories featuring various high definition characters that inspired, encouraged and dazzled her by their sublime humanity. First she chose to honor each family member with authentic appreciation, then she widened her angle of observation to include co-workers, and peeps she met during her travels. Words lodged onto paper by Louise Hay and Marianne Williamson were winsomely wedged into her soul. Poetry, once a focused concentration, took a backseat to her nuclear reaction to the profound ponderings of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

She studied them as if they were her personal friends. Both exemplary teachers, by example of impact, neither were experts on any subject that one could take in school, they simply lived life aloud, as an advertisement of infectious passion. Both were purposely involved with ordinary people, which indicated their love for the very fabric of life. Enthusiasm is her best practice, she attempts to bridge the gap between the facts she finds and the reader of her penned thoughts. Her life curriculum has been evolving since 1969, and she is the happy steward of many uncategorized, but deeply felt experiences. She believes that her life accomplishments have been a collaborative, collective, community effort. She writes with an intention to boast about who she met, what they have done, and what impact these ordinary legends have had. She is quick to covet each conversation that leads to the distinct discovery that without God, no experience could be documented or assigned value.

Barb’s dynamic, dedicated, administration of her revelations can be enjoyed on several different blogs. What does Barbara do in her free time? Jam with friends to music, play cards, blog, backgammon, yahtzee, or be silly. Walk along the Delta shores, watch old films, and wander down a country road listening to a self-created playlist of favorites. Autumn, Winter, or Summer, equally substantial to the cause and reason to display JOY. What is Barb reading now? A number of books, one verse at a time, each savored with a written NOTE of gratitude. The truth apparently has power over her reading habits: The Bible, or an author like Beth Moore, or anyone who writes about a transformed life.

It is hard to keep a little girl, or a grown woman bound to the acreage of this planet when she hears her Father’s voice. Are ye listening to what the Spirit is saying? Think it through and tickle my fancy and do tell something about Barbara that nobody knows? I’ll tell you several things, because you’ve won my trust. No longer does Barb have the guts to squash spiders, downhill ski or rollerblade.
She practices random acts of re-organizing, like impulsively moving a lamp from one table to the next. Dearest reader, thank you for giving me your utmost, highest attention to such blathering, and with a great sense of saving our planet, feel free to recycle this bit of whimsy, copy and paste where you might, or for memorializing it as origami. I know what you are guessing, but alas it twas NOT CS Lewis who wrote this, it was BS HOYLE who scribbled her ramblings!